
Showing posts from 2018

Fun Lion Facts

Source While in a mountainous area, creatures attempting to track a lion have disadvantage. A lion sleeps with its eyes open, and cannot be surprised while taking a long rest. A lion will not attack a man who prostrates themselves before it. If they do so, they lose 1 level  per health point of damage done. If this would reduce the lions level below zero, it's stomach tears itself apart, killing the lion. This is well known in lion infested areas.   A lion who devours at least 5 lbs. of non-humanoid primate meat has an 80% chance of regaining 2d8 health. If they do not, the lion reaches down its throat and pulls the meat out undigested. They may attempt this once per day. When a lion hears a rooster crow, the lion must make a DC 18 Wisdom save or become Frightened for one minute. Seeing a spinning wheel provokes a DC 15 Wisdom save. Seeing fire is a DC 13 save. A human with a spear is a DC 10 save, and the lion has disadvantage when fighting such a foe. When l...

Lion Class

Animals can't be any class. They're too stupid. Orcs can be barbarians, humans can be wizards, dwarves can be rogues. A dog is just a dog. Baboons are excluded from this since they aren't technically animals, but a form of undead. Lions are excluded from this since they have Pride. Squint your eyes really hard and they kind of look the same  Pride Pride is what lions were gifted instead of intelligence. Long ago lions were just as intelligent as people. They built empires and wrote plays and shit. The Great Lion Spirit put the kibosh on that; granting lions Pride instead. Intelligent creatures don't know what Pride is. Intelligent creatures cannot know what Pride is. The best you will be able to get is lions with high Pride act more "lionish". Presumably the Great Lion Spirit has a Pride of 30. Lions with a high Pride grow great manes (if male), can single out the best zebra from a moving herd, and can resist being intimida...